Monday, 24 October 2011

Last week has been a great week.  I went along on the Tuesday to the British Women's Club coffee morning and made some good contacts.  I also joined the ladies that choir one of the members runs.  The BWC is made  up of a lot of 'trailing spouses' whose husbands work in finance or oil or gas.  So on Wednesday I negotiated my way to the conductors apartment with having to change metro lines and it was the first time I have been shoved on to a metro train, so rude!  We are preparing for two Christmas concerts and the choir has been already practicing for a month but luckily we are doing the old perennials like 'Gaudete','Mary's Boy Child' etc.. and a few non Christmassy numbers including a lovely arrangement of some Glenn Miller songs.  

Saturday I went out for a drink at the pub I mentioned before. This is the place to network and I met a lady who organises events for the French community in Moscow so we are going to do a language exchange, so hopefully I should learn some useful Russian phrases and teach her some English.

Here are a few photos and a bit of video footage taken with my new camera as my Pentax gave up the ghost.  They were taken in the Alexander Gardens by the walls of the Kremlin where the WW2 monument/flame is and also outside at my apartment block.  Enjoy!!
                Outside the Kremlin

My apartment Block.  All 20 floors of it!

In the Alexander Gardens.

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